Expo Friends

Business Expos In The South

In the South of England, we’re very lucky that we have a whole host of exhibitions happening around us locally, including ours.

Josh from the Hampshire Business Show, Sonny and Steve from the Surrey Business Expo are in a strategic partnership to help and support each other with our Southern counties expos.

We would like to showcase a few of the B2B exhibitions which we have alligned ourselves with locally across the Southeast.

With lots of business tradeshows and business clubs across the South East corridor, we’ve discovered some fantastic events.

This group will grow, as we’re not fixing it to just five shows in the region. Would you like to join this eclectic mix of eventers?

Surrey Business Expo –  Surrey Business Expo

Business Innovation South – Business Innovation South Expo

Sussex Business Show – Sussex Business Show

Hampshire Business Show – Hampshire Business Show

Wyntercon – Wyntercon